[WriteLog] Request for additional functionality - synchron multiple radio's

Hugo pa4la pa4la@pi4cc.nl
Tue, 20 Aug 2002 12:08:29 +0200

At our contestclub we have two antenna's for each band.
We have experimented with diversity reception which works nice, but we =
lack synchronisation of the radio's while tuning
I was thinking of a master-slave principle where the master is polled =
(as already done)
and the freq is send to the slave tranciever(s)
We've tried the kenw. M-S setup but this is not funtional cause you have =
to push buttons to syncronise
and the serial port of the radio can't be used by writelog anymore.
Can this function be added or is there another trick?

tnx for sugestions
Hugo pa4la
member of pi4cc

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