[WriteLog] Strange bug with SCC module ?!

pa5at pa5at" <pa5at@planet.nl
Wed, 21 Aug 2002 17:30:13 +0200

Hi Contesters,
Just busy with setting up the coming SCC contest.

unfortunately I found some strange bug of the current SCC contest =
module. I kindly also just contacted Jorgen (SM6SRW) who has wrote the =
module, but probably some one here on the reflector knows some reason =
and solution for the Hang-up:

Usually I use the "+" (plus-key) at the right side (close to the =
numbers) of my keyboard to send the message like:

SM6SRW  qsl tu qrz? de PA5AT pse K      =20
                    -   This sends the message above and at the same =
time logs the qso...

In writelog (I use old version 10.29, but I don;t think it is the =
problem ?!) it must be put in the message list as follows:

%R%C qsl tu qrz? de pa5at pse k %E

However if I do that when having called up the SCC module, the TX keeps =
sending diddle after sending out the callsign (as programmed with %C) =
and does not continue the full message... it logs the qso, but the rig =
keeps transmitting and diddling

I am using the MMTTY (newest version of plug in from the Writelog =
website) and my rig is FT-1000MP

The same RTTY message I used for SARTG contest last weekend - no problem =
at all !

Any fix ?!=20
Or should I better change the message ?
I found that the only critical thing is %C with the Plus-key. If I don't =
use %C then it is no problem...
Of coarse that would mean that (following the example) after the contest =
QSO the only message to the just worked station would be:
qsl tu qrz? de Pa5at pse k  - without mentioning the call of the station =
just worked once more....
Any suggestion ?

Greetings from Holland,

Ulli, PA5AT

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