SOLUTION: [WriteLog] Strange bug with SCC module ?!
Don Hill AA5AU
Thu, 22 Aug 2002 18:36:25 -0500
I problem does exist. However, it only appears to happen when the
cursor is in the callsign field when you hit the "+" key to log a QSO
and send your QRZ message.
A couple of observations...
If you click on a "year" (the exchange is RST and Year first licensed)
in the Rttyrite window, the cursor stays in the YEAR field of the entry
window so you don't have a problem when you hit the "+" key.
The problem occurs when you manually type in the YEAR. When you
manually type in the YEAR, the YEAR field becomes fully populated and
the cursor moves back to the CALL field. There is a way around this.
A solution, but not a fix...
You can alter the behavior of the YEAR entry field so that the cursor
does not automatically go back to the CALL field when a YEAR is
manually typed in. Go to Contest pull-down menu and select "Exchange
Format Setup...". If a dialog window opens that ask you if you want to
"initialize ALL fields in the exchange?", select NO.
In the Exchange Format Setup window, select YEAR in the left hand
column by clicking on it once. In the right hand column are attributes you
can select. With YEAR highlighted, select "Tab Only. No auto tab to
following field when full." Click on the "Save" button. Now when you
type in the YEAR manually, the cursor does not go to the CALL field automatically.
Now, while you already in the Exchange Format Setup window, you can do
something else that will help you a great deal in this contest. The SCC RTTY
Championship is an SM6SRW module which means it does not behave
exactly like one of Wayne's modules. When someone sends you a report and
you click on a YEAR in the Rttyrite window and the cursor is in the RST
field, it puts the YEAR you clicked on in the RST field instead of the YEAR
A way around this problem is to highlight RST in the Exchange Format Setup
window and un-check "Prompt. Include in QSO entry prompt." Press the
Save button them OK. The RST field disappears from the Entry Window. It
does not matter cause you don't need it. When you log a QSO it will still say
599 received. If you get an RST other than 599, simply edit the log on the fly.
73, Don AA5AU
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Turner" <>
To: "pa5at" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 8:49 PM
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Strange bug with SCC module ?!
> On Wed, 21 Aug 2002 17:30:13 +0200, pa5at wrote:
> >However if I do that when having called up the SCC module, the TX keeps =
> >sending diddle after sending out the callsign (as programmed with %C) =
> >and does not continue the full message... it logs the qso, but the rig =
> >keeps transmitting and diddling
> _________________________________________________________
> Same thing here. Hope someone has a fix.
> Bill, W7TI
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