[WriteLog] RTTY buffers %F

Dez in Cyprus dez@cytanet.com.cy
Thu, 29 Aug 2002 06:13:43 -0000


For RTTY contesting the RST which I usually send is 599.

A typical buffer I might use could look something like this:

%R%C UR 599 %3 de ZC4DW BK %E

Which will send (on a new line):

His Callsign UR 599 3 digit serial number de ZC4DW BK

Now... the crux of my posting...

At the moment, I do my everyday RTTY logging in the contest known as,
'General DXCC tracking log keeper'

Suppose I want to send a genuine signal report, rather than the usual
contesting 599.

I understand from the help files on buffer messages that %Fn (where n is the
entry field number)
substitues the contents of the n field.

Am I right in thinking I should be able to transmit the contents of the
'SNT' field?

Looking at my QSO entry window, there are several fields:

1 - CALL
3 - C
4 - RCV
5 - Name

I have tried using the following buffer, hoping that by including %F4 it
will send the contents
of the 4th field in the QSO entry window, but alas it sends just blank

%R%C %F4 HW CPI? %C de ZC4DW BK %E

Any help on setting up the buffer to send a signal report which I manually
type in the 'SNT' field
will be much appreciated.


Dez - ZC4DW