[WriteLog] Good advise

Jim Brannigan jbrannig@optonline.net
Mon, 09 Dec 2002 06:42:33 -0500

I always tell everyone to check out their station a week before a contest. This is good advise and I should have heeded it.
My station has not been on 160M since last winter's contests.
Saturday night I got ready for an evenings contesting.  I shorted the ends of my 80M dipole and tuned up on 160M. The band is active, so far, so good.  I find a clear frequency and hit F2 to check the keying.......KEY DOWN, FULL POWER, KEYBOARD LOCKED-UP.....darn, RF in the computer....I grab a hand full of clip-on ferrites and start putting them on leads to the computer....no good... anything over 10 watts out locks up the keyer.

I locate the instruction manual for my keyer and programmed in the exchanges. (even that's a little squirrely)
It was fun to operate the "old fashioned" way with pencil in one hand and key in the other......

This week I will take my own advise and check the station on all bands for RFI and try to clean it up before the 10M contest next weekend


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