[WriteLog] Ports

Don Melcher don@hfradio.com
Tue, 24 Dec 2002 09:31:05 -0800

Message: 1
From: "Don Hill AA5AU" <aa5au@bellsouth.net>
To: "Bob Crossland" <Bob.Crossland@adelphia.com>,
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Ports
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2002 07:26:22 -0600

Some excellent reading on all the posts to this subject.  John is
correct in saying to use the on-board COM port for FSK.  However, I've
asked Santa Claus to bring me a Belkin F5U103 USB-to-Serial adapter.

I know the F5U103 works on FSK because Dick, KD6AZN, uses one for FSK
transmission from his QTH is Japan (7J1BBC).  However, many report they
can't get it work on FSK.  I mainly want one so I can have radio control
from my work laptop which has only one COM port.  I understand some
Toshiba laptops don't even come with a COM port.

Good Luck - I have NEVER had ANYTHING other then a cable by Belkin work.
Hope you have better luck!!!
