[WriteLog] Wrangel vs Wrangell Island

Dave L Thompson k4jrb@juno.com
Wed, 25 Dec 2002 07:19:41 -0500

NL7QT was reported giving Wrangell Island, Alaska as his QTH in the 10
meter contest.  This Wrangell Island is South of Juneau and is definitely
Alaska.  He confused matters by giving a serial number rather than his
state (AK). This island is spelled with two L's at the end!

Wrangel Island (UA0W, Siberia) is an Island off the coast of Siberia and
was at one time a separate DXCC country.   The authors of the CIS
Callbook tell me there is no activity from there at this time and the
call should be UA0W.

There was in the past some US claims to some Islands off Siberia but in
the 1970's the claims were dropped
as were the claims to Islands in the Caribbean (Swan Is, Serrana Bank,
Baja Neuvo).

73 and Seasons Greetings
Dave K4JRB