[WriteLog] WriteLog INI files

VE4COZ ve4coz@home.com
Sat, 2 Feb 2002 11:19:36 -0600

Hello Bill

I created a separate ini for different modes (rtty.ini,cw.ini,rtty.ini) and
saved them in different folders, I also created different bat files for each
mode and placed short cuts on the desktop.
The bat files will copy the one INI  you want, to a WINDOWS folder and
rename it  to writelog.ini.

Vy 73, Irek  (see yea just after 18:00z and good luck in the contest)

 " The Life is for RTTY Contesting " ask my wife?

R      73 de  Irek     VE4COZ    ex  SP6COZ
T       Winnipeg, MB. The RF black hole and aurora zone.
T       Noise, Noise.  Solid noise even s9  sometimes  !!!!
Y       Email  - ve4coz@qsl.net  or   ve4coz@rac.ca
         Amateur Homepage  - http://www.qsl.net/ve4coz