[WriteLog] Wish list

Jerry Flanders jflanders2@home.com
Mon, 04 Feb 2002 14:39:55 -0500

I have never tried to do it, but have always assumed I could set up any 
logging format I wanted in the "Custom" mode. Realtime scoring and the 
usual after-contest reports would not work, but the log should be otherwise 
usable - right?

Comments on the custom setup? - anyone used the custom setup for anything?

Jerry W4UK

At 08:07 AM 2/4/2002 -0800, Allan Briscoe wrote:
>The number One item on my Writelog wish-list is a very "user-friendly" way
>to set up new contests (such as QSO parties, for example) which are not
>already supported by Writelog. I envisage this as a separate feature or
>module which, when activated would :
>- be applicable to, and selectable by check/uncheck boxes , for all normal
>contest types (CW, SSB, digital modes, etc)
>- provide check/uncheck boxes to select required fields.
>- easily allow for field width requirements.
>- allow for "auto field advance" or "field advance by Enter key" , by
>check/uncheck box.
>- provide for customizable point value selection.
>- provide a simple way for the user to enter multiplier info, such as
>counties, etc. I would have no problem with having to manually enter the
>"namedmul.ini" info (ie: VE7=BC, etc).
>- provide for report-type selection by check/uncheck box.
>- after entering all the required info, provide for automatic update or
>addition of any required xxx.ini or other Writelog file, upon saving.
>I am sure that I have very probably overlooked many  factors, but, in theory
>at least, is this a reasonable request, or just another one of those "pie in
>the sky"  ideas that won't fly ??
>I await comments ...
>Allan Briscoe VE7XB