[WriteLog] Computer hardware question

Jerry Flanders jflanders2@home.com
Mon, 04 Feb 2002 18:20:23 -0500

You don't need a faster computer unless you are going to use soundcard 
decoding. Your 486 will work FB with the external RTTY MODEM. It might even 
work OK with the soundcard at 100 MHz speed - you would have to compare it 
side-by-side with a faster machine to be sure. I have a P133 32mb and a 
Cyrix150 48mb and they both work fine with WL+rittyrite or MMTTY.

Jerry W4UK

At 04:40 PM 2/4/2002 -0500, The Lakes wrote:
>Hi all..lots of info in the archives but would like some real time 
>advice.  I am going to purchase WL but need to change computers at home 
>from 486 to either my current comp. at work or purchase a new Dell.
>Current computer:
>Pent . pro 180 (Gateway) 32m ram  2.0g hd
>Ensoniq SoundscapeVIVO Plug+Play card  ( did card check = 6f)
>No extra com ports (just what came stock)
>I can bring this home for free or can purchase a new comp. Would rather 
>not spend the money but if this system will not work adequitely then I 
>will bite the bullet.  Should I just change hardware in the 180 ?  If a 
>new system is recommeded would it be cheaper for Dell to setup the extra 
>com ports (maybe they don't do that) or should I purchase an extra com 
>card and get the Device-IO software and do it myself?
>Any help will be appreciated.
>Randy N1KWF
>P.S.   do not think my current shack comp. could handle WL ? All this 
>works perfect but slow.
>486-dx4-100 24meg ram , 540meg hd  , 4 com prts - 2 lpt ports
>TS-940 on com2 ,no rotor control,  using cw on lpt2 now , band decoder on lpt1
>Packet Tnc on com3
>K1ea DVP...CT9
>Hal  CR-100 (?)  old rtty box on com 4