[WriteLog] Two questions on Writelog & MMTTY

Floyd Sense sentek@sprintmail.com
Mon, 11 Feb 2002 13:53:10 -0500

Well, I had missed the AFC connection checkbox all right. I had AFC
turned off in the other place, but that didn't do it.  The AFC works
very well of course, but I really don't like the software turning it on
without asking!  I'll have to download the current Writelog level and
keep an eye on the numbers next time.  I did not experience the exact
situation you mentioned.  In fact, in the three times it happened I was
not able to spot any common thread.  The other stations repeatedly asked
me for repeats on the 000 and I finally looked back at the screen and
saw what was happening.  

Don Hill AA5AU wrote:
> Floyd,
> I can't answer your first question unless you are not using the
> current update.  There was a problem in sending reports with serial
> numbers after the contact had been logged, but that has been fixed
> in the latest version.  Before, if you logged a contact, then the station
> asks for a repeat and you hit your Exchange key, it would send the
> serial number 000.  But that has been fixed.  In 1500 Q's, not once
> did WriteLog send 000 for me this past weekend.
> On the 2nd question - go to MMTTY setup in the Demodulator tab
> and un-check AFC connection at the bottom right hand side.  You
> can turn AFC off in the AFC tab, but if you have AFC connection
> checked on the demodulator tab, then AFC will eventually come on.
> I don't know the correlation of the AFC connection, so I don't know
> why this happens.
> The best thing to do is use the Profiles and set up for S&P profiles
> with no AFC and the AFC Connection un-checked.  This way, AFC
> never comes on when you are S&P.
> 73, Don AA5AU