[WriteLog] Got the answers now, thanks
Phil Cooper
Phil Cooper" <pcooper@guernsey.net
Tue, 12 Feb 2002 18:52:45 -0000
Hi all,
OK, I had plenty of replies to my queries, so I now know that Shift-Click is
the trick.
I also appreciate how the check call window works now, so thanks again.
As for the off times in Cabrillo, well, that is exactly what I had assumed,
but the rules could be mis-interpreted as they don't actually say DON'T add
the times to Cabrillo files.
Thanks to all who replied, and to all the familiar calls that I see on this
reflector (such as John WA9ALS, Pawel SN7N, George W1ZT etc etc etc).
I must apologize for being such a "newbie" here, but I am finding the help
files are hard work!
Just been looking for the command to bring up the call queue in RTTY, and
find that it doesn't work with MMTTY. Ah well, you can't have it all.
Thanks again to all who have helped me, and I will try not to ask too many
dumb questions!
73 for now de Phil GU0SUP