[WriteLog] Success - MMTTY x 2 and filter/spectrum question

WA9ALS - John wa9als@starband.net
Fri, 15 Feb 2002 07:09:19 -0500

> Now an interesting observation - If you look at my screenshot 
> at http://wa9als.mystarband.net/wlmmttyx2.gif, you will note 
> different spectrums.  Both radios are set to the exact same 
> freq - 7.082576 - and both are using 350 Hz filters, yet the 
> spectrums are quite different. BTW, AFC is OFF on both, as is RIT.
> The PROII (left) is using its all-DSP filters, an the IC-706MKIIG
> (right) is using it's FL-232 350 Hz filter.  UNFORTUNATELY, I 
> can't find any RTTY signals to try out tonight!
> Any ideas about the (noise) spectrum differences?

On idea that I had - Sometimes with no signal, the "Mark" frequency
digital readout in the upper left "wanders" around.  In my screenshots,
the Mark readout is only partially shown and too small for me to read.
Maybe if I had clicked on the HAM button to snap it to 2125, it would
have looked like the other?  I'll exercise it some more tonight.