[WriteLog] Re: Corrected...XP...

GilBaronW0MN gbaron@charter.net
Fri, 15 Feb 2002 13:28:55 -0600

And XP is one that is protected so well that even though you can copy it the
WPA makes it useless, UNLESS, you get one of the Key Generators and activate
that copy with your unique but valid key. Since these are out there and
since the activation process cannot tell that the key was generated by you,
the WPA is basically now broken.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: writelog-admin@contesting.com
> [mailto:writelog-admin@contesting.com]On Behalf Of Dragan Acimovic
> Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 10:37
> To: writelog-request@contesting.com
> Subject: [WriteLog] Re: Corrected...XP...
> >>   I stand corrected.
> >>   I did not know that I was violating any sort of licensing
> >> agreement.
> >>   I still don't know for sure, but I will do as some advised, and
> >> check what it says in the license agreement.
> wrcc> It is technically true for most software. It is also nearly
> universally
> wrcc> ignored by the home user. It is also true that the chances
> that people would
> wrcc> buy the software would drastically decrease if the writers tried to
> wrcc> universally and aggressively enforce this.
> wrcc> The result is less sales and they make less in the end.
> wrcc> I realize that this does not make it legal nor does it
> morally justify it to
> wrcc> some.
> wrcc> Nevertheless, we live in the real world.
> Microsoft said in Help and Support Center:
> Q: Can I make a second copy of my Windows operating system software
>    for my portable computer?
> A: The End-User License Agreement (EULA) for many Microsoft
> application software products contains the following sentence: "The
> primary user of the computer on which the SOFTWARE PRODUCT is
> installed may make a second copy for his or her exclusive use on a
> portable computer." If your EULA contains this sentence, then, subject
> to the conditions mentioned, you may make a second copy of the
> software. Note that you must be the primary user of the computer on
> which the software is installed. The primary user is the individual
> who uses the computer most of the time it is in use. Only that
> individual is entitled to use the second copy. Furthermore, the
> software must be installed on the local hard disk of your computer;
> you are not entitled to make and use a second copy on your portable
> computer if you run the primary copy of the software from a network
> server. Finally, only one secondary copy may be made; you may install
> this copy on more than one portable computer.
> Please note that many Microsoft products are copy protected and it
> will not be technically possible to make a second copy of the disk. If
> you are a Licensee of software that includes copy protection
> technology, please call the Product Support Services number provided
> for that specific product to learn whether or not unencrypted disks
> can be obtained.
>             \\\//
>            -(@ @)-   POZ, Acim  -= YZ1EW =-
> --------oOO--(_)--OOo-------------------------
> **              Dragan Acimovic             **
> **          Petnica Science Center          **
> **       P. O. Box 118, 14000 Valjevo       **
> **                YUGOSLAVIA                **
> **         Phone (+381) 14 241-180          **
> **          Fax (+381) 14 241-212           **
> **         Cel (+381) 64 128-56-91          **
> **         http://www.qsl.net/yz1ew         **
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