[WriteLog] Writelog with Windows XP

Brian Wruble bwruble@ix.netcom.com
Fri, 15 Feb 2002 15:37:31 -0500

Hi all:  It has been about a year since I last operated with Writelog.  I
thought I'd give this weekend's contest a whirl.

Since it last operated properly, I have changed PCs to one using Windows XP.
I had been keying through an interface using the LPT port.  Now when I go to
the Port Setup screen, all the LPT ports are grayed out.  It won't let me
select one.  In the Help files, I see a note that LPT ports are not
supported under Windows NT and 2000.  Is this also the case with XP?

I have no problem keying thru the LPT port using DX4WIN.

The interface is a W1GEE interface sourced from PDA (the folks who make
Logic logging software).

The rig is an ICOM 756 PRO II.

The Writelog version is 10.29E

Rig control works fine, but I cannot figure out how to get thie program to
send CW to my rig. The CW keyboard window is also grayed out and unavailable
to me.

 All suggestions extremely welcome.

73 de Brian W3BW