[WriteLog] WL 10.30B Comments - stuttering, Enter key, packet
George Johnson
Mon, 18 Feb 2002 12:25:12 -0500
Barry & All,
I'll add my notes to your comments plus some other observations.
Station setup here:
Icom 756PRO and multiple amps on different bands
Computer keying interface: LPT transistor keyer (CT style from W1WEF)
Computer PTT control from LPT (disconnected due to RF lock up on 10m)
This circuit was OK on 10m in RTTY WPX contest last weekend
Computer: AMD 233 MHz, 32MB RAM, networked to 2 other machines during
A second Aux computer, on a wired network, was tied into
cable TV internet using DXTelnet. DXTelnet was running on
the aux computer and network carried spots to
the radio computer via UDPSEND s/w.
All machines were running Win98SE. The radio computer is "home grown"
and pretty slow by today's standards.
Comments to your notes:
1. I did not observe any stuttering at all during the contest. This
was my first CW contest with 10.30B Run rates peaked at 188 for the 10
qso measurement and several hour periods over 100q rates. Keying speeds
mostly 28 to 32wpm. The LPT keying circuit uses the original emitter
switched lines for CT and has worked with older WL versions. I
questioned the changes in 10.30B but, based on the technical responses,
I did not make any changes to my .ini file. So I think I have been OK
with the keying circuit before and after the changes made in 10.29...
ie: I did not have to "revert" back to the pre 10.29 control style
inside WL.
I also ran assisted this time Spots were passed into the radio
computer over the network. Nothing else was running on the radio
computer... eg: email, geoclock, etc. The K1XX node went down for a few
minutes but then came back online and I was reconnected automatically.
2. We also had trouble with the ENTER key overwriting an "unlogged"
entry when the focus is elsewhere. I agree with your suggestion that
ENTER be restricted to just logging a QSO independent of the cursor
location. In RTTY, I use the INSERT key to capture highlighted text
from another window to the log area. I did not "chase" spots from the
bandmap very often but my second op lost a couple contacts due to this
behavior. He thought ENTER would simply log the QSO.
New observation from WriteLog:
My ability to print the rate graph appears "broken" when using WriteLog.
Printer, HP932C, works fine with other Windows Apps but the printer does
not operate (hangs) when WL tries to print that graph via Win ME.
George .. W1ZT
----- Original Message -----
From: "Barry N1EU" <n1eu@hotmail.com>
To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 8:39 AM
Subject: [WriteLog] WL 10.30B Comments - stuttering, Enter key, packet
> I hope everyone enjoyed the incredible condx this weekend! A few
> post-contest comments:
> 1. LPT1 cw stuttering is still a major problem (INI entry made). I'd
> appreciate hearing from any contesters who spent 5+ hours running and
> notice stuttering. I honestly didn't notice much improvement over
> WL revs. I can't help but wonder if there is an underlying WL event
that is
> causing the stuttering, such as processing a new spotted multiplier.
> the guys who are operating unassisted don't see the stuttering?
> 2. There is a potentially dangerous conflict in the action of the
> key. If cursor focus is in the log entry window, "Enter" (or
> will log the entry. If focus gets shifted from the log entry window
> the packet spot window, "Enter" will overwrite the log entry with the
> highlighted spot and the qso will be lost. If you are gunning packet
> this shift of focus can easily happen. The "Enter" key alone should
> move a packet spot into the log entry window and overwrite what is
> 3. If "alt-W" can clear the log entry window when cursor focus is in
> packet spot window, it would be nice to move the cursor focus to the
> entry window from there since the logical next move is to enter the
> callsign.
> 4. There is often a very noticeable one second delay in grabbing a
> spot, and sometimes no delay.
> 5. It would be great to be able to constantly view Mults on All Bands
in a
> separate window while viewing (& gunning) the spots for a selected
> 6. "/BUST" should not show up as a multiplier. Seems like we visited
this a
> year or two ago.
> 73,
> Barry N1EU
> www.albany.net/~bg