[WriteLog] Proliferation of DX RTTY Activity

John W. Tipka steelgtr@iwaynet.net
Wed, 27 Feb 2002 10:17:42 -0500

The past four or five days have delivered more RTTY and DX on the mode than 
I ever heard before outside of contests.

In the past four days , I have added calls to my log like PW0T on 10,15, 
and 20, TI9M on 20 and 15, 3W2LWS , V51AS, 9U5D, CE0Y/DM5TI, H7DX , and 
H40T on 10,  7Z1ZZ, PJ5/UA1ACX, ZD7DP on 20 meters, etc etc, etc..Used 
MMTTY 1.62...

Apparently soundcard software has really been a boon to RTTY.. So many 
stations using various versions of MMTTY...I do have a PK900/DSP TNC here 

An operating observation here: Writelog 10.30 plus MMTTY plug in works 
better with Win95 than with Win2000Prof here.. Long initialization and 
shutdown times with Win2K (about 18 seconds) in both stand alone MMTTY and 
also the plugin for Writelog.

Win95 computer has 128Meg RAM, 4.3Gig HD, and Pentium 200MMX with PCI128 
soundcard - about 4 secs up and 3 secs down...

W2K computer 750Meg Pentium III w/256meg RAM, 90Gig HD and PCI128 
soundcard... (18 secs up, 20 secs down)

Same goes for my notebook - H-P Omnibook Pentium 200MMX w/64MEG RAM, 2.2 
Gig HD and Crystal Semiconductor Corporation CS4232 integrated sound using 
Win95.... BTW, soundcard check gives a 7f...up in 4 secs and down in 4 secs...


John W8UL