[WriteLog] Re: FT1000D problems

Donald Eriksen don.wsixffh@verizon.net
Wed, 27 Feb 2002 19:25:15 -0800

Excellent advice, Don, I sure will wait till contest season is over and then
some. Yes, I can whip up a transistor switch. I already have one, will need
another since I'm using both RITTY and MMTTY at the the same time for
receive and transmit on either one with two radio setup (but only one
I prefer com port PTT over using VOX.

I agree on the changes, especially  support for the second radio, that would
be great!

Thanks for all responses I got.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Don Melcher" <don@hfradio.com>
To: <don.wsixffh@verizon.net>
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 3:06 PM
Subject: FT1000D problems

> Don
> I would not put any bets on Yaesus 6-8 weeks - mine took close to 12 - and
> then the botched it and it had to go back for another 4 weeks. So wait
> contest season is over, should you want to have them work on it.
> But - yes - it is a GREAT radio!!! I purchased mine used (actually a 1000
> with all the D options except the high stability oscilator) last year
> getting tired of nothing coming even close to my TS830S and Sherwood
> modified Drake R4C in RX performance. I think it is the BEST PC controled
> receiver available at ANY price - I HAD 2 Icom 781s, IC 775, IC 756, IC
> 756PRO (yuk), TS950SDX (ughhh), TS 940, TS870 (ughhh squared). The only
> thing that even came close was a TS850 I had - but it still was not up to
> the 1000
> Re your PTT issue - WL, and probably other programs, usually support PTT
> thru the serial port - and an open collector transistor switch wired to
> port going to the PTT line of the radio might solve your problem - check
> WL help file - the circut is in there. The two things on my WL 1000D
> wish list is to not change the filter settings when grabbing a spot, and
> support for the sub RX as a second radio.
> Don Melcher
> Owner - HF Radio On Board
> www.hfradio.com