[WriteLog] More on XP

Bill Turner w7ti@dslextreme.com
Thu, 04 Jul 2002 04:39:56 -0700

On Thu, 4 Jul 2002 01:27:04 -0400, Dave L Thompson wrote:

>Since you can't get
>to MS-DOS (the DOS prompt) on either version it seemed to follow that
>MS-DOS would not run.


Have you looked in START>PROGRAMS>ACCESSORIES?  In my XP install, there
is an icon for command prompt, which gives DOS access.  If it's not
there, you can still get to DOS by START>RUN, type either "cmd" or
"command" <enter>.  "command" gives you traditional 16-bit DOS and "cmd"
gives you a 32-bit version which recognizes long file names.  On my
system, either one runs DOS programs ok except for RTTY by WF1B, which
gets the usual runtime error message due to a too-fast processor.

Given Microsoft's attitude toward DOS, there may be some programs that
just won't run, but at least the command line is there and it's worth a

Bill, W7TI