[WriteLog] BAND MAP updating over network for WRTC -URGENT-

EA3NY - Eddie EA3NY - Eddie" <ea3ku@arrl.net
Sat, 6 Jul 2002 23:47:43 +0200


Maybe  you don=B4t know perfectlly the WRTC rules ...Infact we need to =
have the Band Map networked, I=B4ll explain you; The computer B (s&p =
station) must show multipliers and new callsigns to the Computer A =
(running)( the computer B is not connected to any radio, only networked =
to the other computer, and Computer A can be connected to radio), the =
best way to do it is to send them to the band map. We thought that both =
band map (computer A and Computer B) were upgraded on real time, but we =
can not see that :-(
Can you tell me how to do that ?
We thought also to do a cluster between our two computers, because the =
band map update when they receive a spot, but, how we can do that ?

Please help us As soon as possible,=20

Thank you very much in advance.

WRTC Competitor.

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