[WriteLog] Function key message not working in PSK or RTTY modes

Pat Moore spiritwind@in-tch.com
Tue, 9 Jul 2002 15:58:07 -0600

Does anyone have any idea why we couldn't get the function keys to send =
messages in PSK or RTTY modes using 10.32 during Field Day?  Alt-K would =
bring up a keyboard which worked, and the right-click and Send F3 worked =
intermittently.  We finally gave up and went on voice.

We were running Windows 95 on a laptop which has worked fine with Logger =
in the past. The rig was an ICOM 706. I had the same problem with two =
different WIN98 computers hooked to my TS-440 at home. The CW memories =
worked just fine with the latter setup. The TS-440 talks to the computer =
through a serial adapter, and CW keying is via the parallel port.

73 de AL7L

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