[WriteLog] Need info on 8 port serial interface PCI expansion boards

Bill Turner w7ti@dslextreme.com
Thu, 11 Jul 2002 08:50:31 -0700

On Thu, 11 Jul 2002 09:47:21 -0500, Ron Stordahl wrote:

>Also as of about 6 months ago they did not have 'XP approved drivers'.  When
>I installed one on XP the operating system complained, but the card worked
>perfectly.  I talked to Sean about this and he said it was an issue of cost
>for them, they have to submit the driver to a certification company (maybe
>its actually Microsoft I don't actually know) and it was costly to get
>certification.  You might want to confirm if they have gotten this by now.


This certification issue comes up with almost every new piece of
hardware or driver I install with XP.  The instructions that come
with the hardware or software say it will happen (the
notification) and to just ignore it.  Apparently it costs a bunch
of money  or is a big hassle to get certified and a lot of
companies are deciding to forgo it.  

Be sure that the manufacturer says it will work with XP; whether
Microsoft says it will work seems to matter hardly at all.

73, Bill W7TI