[WriteLog] Need info on 8 port serial interface PCI expansion boards

Peter D. Vouvounas wb3fsr@comcast.net
Thu, 11 Jul 2002 17:40:14 -0400

Within the specific use of serial ports I mean "ALL Modes" as follows:

Rig serial interface (Control)

Not interested in USB derived serial ports - PCI only as indicated in the
subject line. 8 ports plus the internal com1 & com2 - Total 10 serial ports

I expect I'll use XP Pro



-----Original Message-----
From: WA9ALS - John [mailto:wa9als@starband.net]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 15:18
To: wb3fsr@comcast.net; Dx4win; Writelog (E-mail)
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Need info on 8 port serial interface PCI
expansion boards

> Looking for positive input on what serial EIGHT PORT
> PCI cards WORK for ALL modes with Writelog & DX4WIN.

This question is too general.  I think AA5AU is trying to compile related
information though.

"ALL MODES" is fairly irrelevant - PTT and CW are pretty straightforward if
you make an interface from DTR and/or RTS.  If MODE is FSK, that's an
important differential - others are much more straightforward.

"Work for all modes" is difficult to even discuss - e.g. via a soundcard?
Via a TNC?  The "AFSK" modes, including PSK, Hell, AFSK RTTY, MFSK16 etc are
mostly dependent on the soundcard - PTT can be done a multitude of ways,
including rig control, serial interface, VOX, etc etc, depending on the rig
and your preferences.  YOu really need to know exactly what you want to do
before planning your computer configuration and any interface cards.

IMHO, the most general configuration would include:

1.  2 Windows soundcards (various uses)
2.  2 motherboard com ports - Do FSK keying through these if desired.
3.  FSK/PTT lines from the motherboard com ports
4.  PCI or USB com port adapter for rig control, rotor control, TNC if
desired etc.
5.  AFSK wiring to rig from soundcard
6.  CW wiring to rig

This setup allows a lot of flexibility and operation of all modes, including
both AFSK and FSK RTTY.

I think one of the most desirable things to think about initially is to get
a computer with 2 motherboard com ports if possible.  73