[WriteLog] My CW is chopped up in 10.33C
A. Sewell N5NA
A. Sewell N5NA" <n5na@arrl.net
Fri, 12 Jul 2002 21:28:53 -0500
This will probably fix it.
1. Open up WRITELOG.INI (Start Menu, Run, type in WRITELOG.INI <ENTER>).
2. Find the [PORTS] section and add the CW_ON_PIN1=1 line:
Alan N5NA
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Santelmann" <n1au@rcn.com>
To: "reflector Writelog" <Writelog@contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 20:47 PM
Subject: [WriteLog] My CW is chopped up in 10.33C
> WriteLoggers,
> I'm using LPT1 CW keying in W98SE that worked very well with
> version 10.27, but I'm having trouble with version 10.33C.
> Basically, when CW is sent portions of each character are
> often removed, sometimes turning a dah into a dit. I can
> send my call sign N1AU perfectly only about half the time
> from a function key message.
> Is this problem unique with me, or have others experienced
> it also? I'll use an external keyer until I can figure it
> out.
> Thanks!
> Bill N1AU
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