[WriteLog] Changing QSO info

Dave L Thompson k4jrb@juno.com
Mon, 15 Jul 2002 18:10:38 -0400

It does not matter whether the station worked sends in a log or not the
correct zone or HQ
info should be given.  I don't know the level of checking of the IARU
software but probably
the QSO would be thrown out if the wrong IARU/ITU zone were recorded.  I
do know that
the software will not know if you change the zone to the correct zone.

I am against changing any log info normally but as the 5B4 pointed out
you cannot submit a log where the QSO was scored incorrectly or left out.
 No telling what this might do at the contest sponsor end (IARU in this
case).  The wrong zones change are a personal choice
as is correcting a keying error...the rule of thumb is no to changing the
zone and up to you on keying errors. 

73 Dave K4JRB