[WriteLog] Logfile Version Compatibility

Billy Cox aa4nu@ix.netcom.com
Tue, 16 Jul 2002 12:59:10 -0500

> change in the logfile's format.  I did a quick scan of the revision
> back to 10.23 and didn't see anything that specifically stated that the
> logfiles internal format had changed.
> Has anyone else had similar problems, or does anyone else know
> whether 10.33C is/isn't compatible with some previous version?

Two thoughts ... one is that the setup being used to read the file is not
exactly the same as the FD setup ... as to the same fields being used,
or not used. That may cause an issue.

The second thought is there are two notes as to changes that state
the older versions  won't network with 10.33 "The new protocol does not
interoperate with older versions-all local stations must run 10.33 or
higher in order to network." ... so would that mean the older version
won't directly read the new version's file format ... I DO NOT know.

My guess is more toward the first thought ... that the field (RST, CTY,
etc.) are not the same ... and that's why it won't work ... tweak that, and
all might be 100%?

73 Billy AA4NU