[WriteLog] Dups and contest name (in the cabrillo summary)

Dave L Thompson k4jrb@juno.com
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 17:21:36 -0400

Most cabrillo log checking software scores the dupes found with zero
points.  These then are listed in the log checking report along with
NIL's and busts.  There is no penalty for dupes.  On the contrary leaving
in a dupe will assure that you get the points or mult.

Use you logging program to output cabrillo.  If you have set up the log
and ini file then you will get all the required parameters set correctly.
 Please, please do not try to roll your own cabrillo log.  For example I
still see tha name CW-160-SSB for CQ 160 logs.  The only correct names
are CQ-160-CW or CQ-160-SSB.  This is another reason you should review
your log before submission.  If unsure use the WT4I or the other popular
cabrillo log converters.  Most of the robot receiving programs sniff out
that your log is cabrillo and the ARRL robot even checks the log format.

good luck and good contesting...
73 Dave K4JRB