[WriteLog] BAND MAP updating over network for WRTC -URGENT-

Georgek5kg@aol.com Georgek5kg@aol.com
Thu, 18 Jul 2002 18:22:59 EDT

In a message dated 7/18/2002 6:56:58 PM Greenwich Standard Time, 
scot@k9jy.com writes:

> I screwed up on the original test. I thought the guy meant it wasn't showing 
> up when it was *logged.* He meant it wasn't showing up when it was entered 
> in the band map locally on the network - true.


Tnx for the quick reply.  Yes, we really beat our brains out on trying to 
make this work, hi.  We finally reverted to sending mults via the Network Gab 

We also pondered how we could possibly generate "packet spots" on the mult 
radio, B, that could be recognized by the run radio, A.  However we just did 
not have enough network smarts between us to know how to approach this as a 
solution, especially with the contest deadline rapidly approaching!

Tnx, Geo...J75KG/K5KG

George I. Wagner, K5KG
Productivity Resources LLC
941-312-9460 fax
201-415-6044 cell

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