[WriteLog] AA5AU WriteLog Website Update 7/24/02
Don Hill AA5AU
Wed, 24 Jul 2002 16:46:29 -0500
On June 16, 2001, the AA5AU WriteLog website went over 10,000 hits
since opening in September of last year. Five weeks later, it has now
taken over 11,000 hits. Thanks for the interest!
Updated the RTTY .dta file with new calls from ANARTS and NAQP.
Added link to Russian RTTY WW Contest rules.
Added example message buffers for Russian RTTY WW Contest.
Updated MMTTY Plug-in for WriteLog troubleshooting page.
See you in the Russian RTTY WW Contest this weekend. The Russian
RTTY WW module is part of the SM6SRW contest modules that can
be downloaded from the 3rd part download page on the main WriteLog
website at www.writelog.com/ThirdPartyDownloads.htm.
73, Don AA5AU