[WriteLog] Re: NCJ

Billy Cox aa4nu@ix.netcom.com
Thu, 25 Jul 2002 10:32:18 -0500

>The ARRL is a business and they are trying to cut costs.  I applaud their
>efforts, it benefits all of us.


Before you drown yourself in applauding the ARRL ... for their
efforts to cut costs ...

Guess what ... that's WHAT we were told earlier this year ... and you
know I am a business type (MBA/corporate/etc.) and if my national
organization needs to make budget cuts and ask the membership
to forego certain perks to survive, Hey ... I understand ... do it ...

Guess what ... go re-read the official release ... there's NO mention of
any costs savings! Instead "The space freed up by relocating "Section
News" will allow more in-depth coverage of general news, public service
activities and "how-to" articles aimed at bringing more amateurs into the
emergency preparedness fold."

So ... before you tell folks to not worry about the backdoor striking their
backsides ... how about asking "our" League to do what they say, for
the reasons they say ... they have fumbled big time with this ...

73 Billy AA4NU