[WriteLog] SARTG WW RTTY Contest 17-18 aug

Ewe Håkansson SM7BHM sm7bhm@kristianstad.mail.telia.com
Fri, 26 Jul 2002 20:30:35 +0200

Hello RTTY and contest friend`s, 

I will invite/remind you for the upcomming
friendly SARTG WW RTTY Contest 17-18 august.

No change from last year, same 3 seperate friendly periods.
The rules ar at http://www.sk3bg.se/contest/sartgtty.htm

0000-0800 UTC Saturday
1600-2400 UTC Saturday
0800-1600 UTC Sunday

The Cabrillo format is prefered, but we accept your log in any format, 

After the contest send your log to sm7bhm@svessa.se
or by post to the adress in the rules. 
Pse send it before October 10, tnx.

You will find the previous year`s result at: http://www.sartg.com/contest/index.htm

SARTG homepage www.sartg.com

Best 73! and I hope to see you all in the SARTG WW contest 2002.

SARTG Contest manager