[WriteLog] RTTY Function Key memory bank Help

FireBrick FireBrick" <w9ol@billnjudy.com
Tue, 30 Jul 2002 14:42:48 -0500

Some have suggested a &R at the BEGINNING of a line to get your message out
of the random noise created characters.
It may slow down the transmission by a factor though.

Wonder what the consensus on this is.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Don Cassel" <doncassel@compuserve.com>
To: <RCARIELLO@si.rr.com>; <writelog@contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 1:47 PM
Subject: [WriteLog] RTTY Function Key memory bank Help

> Rich,
> Some control characters you might find useful for Rtty are:
>     %R means, Carriage return.
>     %D means, The station's call you have in the window will be sent.
>     %E means, Return to receive mode.
>     %H means, Name (Hi) file.
> You can use either upper or lowercase for the characters. I always like to
> use a return %R and receive %E at teh end of each line. For example,
> %C de ve3buc ve3buc k %R%E
> Don VE3BUC
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