[WriteLog] RSGB Jubilee module
Tue, 4 Jun 2002 23:34:48 +0000
Gill, I think I see how to get the Jubilee module...
I agree it was kind of cryptic getting there..... its really quite a run
around and even then I don't know what I'm about to down load!!! But I do
see why a unique URL wasn't provided... apparently there isn't one... you
just have to go through all the steps... Well anyway, try this...
Go to http://www.rsgbhfcc.org/
Poke on 2002 contests
Poke on Jubilee
then look way down at the bottom of the page... sez:
"There is plenty of software available for the Jubilee Contest."
Now poke on that 'software' link.
This takes you off to another page which has 6 different logger links on
it. BUT WAIT.... look at the bottom of the page! It sez:
"Using Writelog for the Jubilee Contest
Download the zip file into a temporary directory and run installer.exe"
Poke on the 'zip' link and that takes you off to start a download of
something called 'installer.zip' from btinternet.com... jeezzzz...
nowhere does it mention Jubilee.... what am I about to install? I haven't
a clue!!!
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