[WriteLog] ANARTS Anomaly
Don Hill AA5AU
Mon, 10 Jun 2002 18:31:00 -0500
I noticed this during the contest but didn't pay much attention
to it until Phil, GU0SUP, noticed the same thing and brought it
to my attention.
In the ANARTS module, your own country or call area will be
shown worked on all bands in both the Multiplier window (if you
have it active) and in the summary sheet even if you haven't worked
your own country or call area.
It does NOT affect your score. WL still scores the contest correctly.
I noticed this on Sunday afternoon when I was checking what call
area multipliers I needed on what bands. WL was showing that I
had K5 on 80 meters. I knew I had not made any 80M QSO's but
it was still showing. When I created my Summary Sheet, it also
showed I had K5 on 80 meters.
However, no 80 meter QSO's show up in the Band Summary and
no 80 meter QSO's show up in the dupe sheet. Scoring is correct.
I've not ever seen this before with any of the WriteLog modules. That
doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I've just not seen it.
I was beta testing 10.33A, but Phil was using 10.31-something, so it's
hard to tell when this started.
Just thought I'd let y'all know in case you did see this.
73, Don AA5AU