[WriteLog] converting writelog file to ct v9.x
Kassel, Michael
Fri, 14 Jun 2002 11:34:33 -0400
I would like to use writelog for field day this year. Only problem is
that the "committee" pretty much insists on using ct. If I could
demonstrate an easy conversion from writelog to ct then I think I can
get the go ahead.=20
I have looked at Logconv by KA5WSS http://www.qsl.net/ka5wss/logconv/
and it seems to be able to accept an .adif file and then spit out a ct
v8 .bin file.
I guess I can then take that v8 .bin and open it with ct v9? Then I
would save the ct v9 bin and submit that as my log to the head of the
log committee. =20
Does this sound like the way to go? Has anyone done this? Anyone know
of a program to convert from Writelog .wl or Adif file to ct v9?
I don't own ct v8 or v9 and so have not been able to fully test this.
Anyone want a copy of the output from the KA5WSS log conversion to test
if they can open it?
Thanks for any thoughts,
I know, just use ct...
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