[WriteLog] Lost rig control - Two IC756Pro-II's
Sat, 15 Jun 2002 13:46:12 EDT
Well, I'm normally the guy telling others how to establish rig control
between WL and the 756Pro-II. But now, I am in the soup, having lost rig
control on both of my 756Pro-II's.
Here is the situation:
1.) Two 756Pro-II's controlled by a SO2R Master
2.) Have lost radio control from WL on both radios. It was working just
fine, then lost radio control on right radio, and then the left radio.
3.) Can key right radio from WL function keys, ie., F1, F2, etc. Can not
key left radio from function keys.
4.) Left radio shows "No Rig!" on WL screen, although Two Radios have been
selected in WL.
5.) In WL Setup Ports have selected IC756PRO, 9600 baud, Poll checked, Comm
6.) In Setup Ports radios setup on Com1 and Com2
7.) In Windows Device Manager, Comm1 and Comm2 shown to be ok.
8.) Radio's CI-V set up is: Address "5CH", Baud Rate 9600, Transceive ON,
with IC-731 OFF
9.) Reloaded WL version 10.32E with no change
10.) CT-17's cabling checked and 12 vdc power is ok.
11.) Comm port cabling checked.
I would appreciate any help on this one.
Tnx & 73, George
George I. Wagner, K5KG
Productivity Resources LLC
941-312-9460 fax
201-415-6044 cell
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