[WriteLog] Lost rig control - Two IC756Pro-II's
Sun, 16 Jun 2002 14:03:57 EDT
In a message dated 6/16/2002 11:29:42 AM Greenwich Standard Time,
k3ww@fast.net writes:
> AND you can talk to each radio on these com ports using other software, like
> DX4win or something ???
I solved the problem. The comm ports were not set correctly in the BANDS I
It really irks me that simply assigning radios to comm ports in the SETUP I
PORTS menu is not sufficient to make WL talk to the radios. Radios must also
be assigned correctly in the BANDS I SET FREQUENCY&MODE menu.
Furthermore, it is strange that the comm port references in SETUP I PORTS are
not consistent with those of the computer. In SETUP I PORTS, the comm ports
are referred to as COM0, COM1, COM2 and COM3. But in the BANDS I SET
FREQUENCY&MODE menu, they are referred to as COMM1, COMM2 and COMM3, which is
consistent with the computer's reference to comm ports. Go figure!
73, George, K5KG
George I. Wagner, K5KG
Productivity Resources LLC
941-312-9460 fax
201-415-6044 cell
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