[WriteLog] Corrected callsigns in full

Scot Herrick scot@k9jy.com
Mon, 17 Jun 2002 09:33:20 -0500

This, from http://www.k9jy.com under the WriteLog.ini section:

"Option: Send full call on correction    Top of Page

WriteLog, by default, sends at least two letters of a corrected call when
the + key is pressed (which logs the call and sends the 'QRZ' message). Some
people like sending the full call again signifying the correction rather
than just the partial call. This can be addressed in the WriteLog.ini file
in the [Configuration] section.

Full Call:
CwSendPartialCallCorrections=0  (where 0 is zero)

Partial Call:

You can take a look at the most common WriteLog.ini options in that section.
And, hopefully, this will really help the archives...

CU...Scot, K9JY

See K9JY's WriteLog User Support Site at:

And the answer is?

Pse share answers to the list. This will help to make the
archive a bit more useable!