[WriteLog] Setting up ports/Almost working now

Scot Herrick scot@k9jy.com
Mon, 17 Jun 2002 19:12:54 -0500

Hi Ray,

What you've done is to get PTT to work. PTT is usually done on the same port
as rig control. Are you using rig control on Comm 6? You should have CW
keying on one serial port (vs. parallel keying) and rig control on a
different serial port. And, if I remember correctly, you were using a
RigBlaster? I don't think RigBlasters support CW keying, but I could be
really wrong on that. But the RigBlaster does control PTT. Hum us a few more
bars; we'll get ya goin'

CU...Scot, K9JY

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-----Original Message-----
From: writelog-admin@contesting.com
[mailto:writelog-admin@contesting.com]On Behalf Of Raymond W Brann
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 2:59 PM
To: writelog@contesting.com
Subject: [WriteLog] Setting up ports/Almost working now

Hi agn, Thanks for the help with the com ports.
It's sorta working now.
First I changed the "ini" file as suggested es in my case
I just added the following line: "COM4=6:=9600,n,8,1,x"
So now when I type into the CW window, the radio is keyed up.

Big problem is, nothing is transmitted, the rig is keyed while I'm
typing and then
un-keys. Same thing happens if I try to transmit one of the memory
messages with
F2/F3 etc.
Hope you have some further suggestions.
Ray / W1RWB

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