[WriteLog] Re: FD QSO Data Validation

Pat Conway pmconway@softhome.net
Tue, 18 Jun 2002 14:18:28 -0700

I received answers from several people who said WriteLog validates
callsigns;  and that it should also validate the RCV and QTH fields in
accordance with selected contest module.  Part of my problem was because my
FD contest data was somehow corrupted.  But after a complete reinstall  -
I still have these problems:

    · The only CALL validation appears to be that the data has at least one
digit.  E.g., the illegal values of AAA6A and AA66A are both accepted.
    · I'm not sure the RCV field has any validation rules.  Eg., the illegal
values of 22 and xx are both accepted.
    · There appears to be no callsign validation.  E.g., AAAAA is accepted

So I'm thinking, in order to have a valid submittal of a hopefully &;-)  lot
of QSOs to the ARRL, my data reduction procedure is going to gave to be
something like this.

    · Export FD.wl to FD.adi or FD.wk1.
    · Use LogConv to convert FD.adi to FD.dbf.
    · Use a database manager program to
            o delete QSOs with invalid call, RCV data (transmitter count and
class), and QTH (ARRL section)
            o delete QSOs with "?" in the Multiplier column (since they are
sometimes (e.g., if QSO Edit introduces an invalid QRRL Section) still
awarded points)
    · Use LogConv to convert FD.dbf to back to FD2.adi.
    · In Writelog, import FD2.adi and create Summary and Dupe Sheet rtf

Am I missing something?  What does the ARRL do if a submittal claims points
for QSOs with the kind of errors noted above?

Thanks again for your help.
