[WriteLog] FW: CW Keying

wa9als wa9als@starband.net
Thu, 20 Jun 2002 22:39:17 -0500

What's the matter with you guys?  You obviously haven't used WriteLog or
otherwise been around very long.

> says the manual is on the disk: not so as you responded yesterday.

Disk?  What's that?  I've never had WL on a disk - Guess I've missed
something.  The manual IS on the website.  Big deal?  I know RTFM is a good
idea, but it's a lot more fun discovering things if you don't!   HI

> (nice web site) but you can't key a radio with the most up to date
> operating system from the biggest market share holder of operating
> systems. Get real!

Give us a break with this!  WL keys the radio just fine - just use a com
port!  I've never even considered using an LPT port for keying.  WAYNE
WIN2000 AND AFTER.  Many of us these days have 4-12 com ports and 1 lpt
port - Why not leave that for printing?  Not using the lpt port for keying
the radio is TRIVIAL compared with the power and utility of WriteLog.  You
can key the radio with the same com port you use for CW, so what's the big

> Come on, be a vendor. Step up to the challenge. We can make money in
> this market (I do) without sticking our head in the sand and without
> being arrogant.

Over time, those of us who have used the program for a few years will vouch
that Ron and Wayne have been VERY responsive to questions, licenses, etc
etc.  Occasionally Ron is traveling overseas and can't get back to questions
for a few days.  So what?  Much of the time he responds to things in an
amazingly timely way.  Ron and Wayne don't tend to WriteLog as a full time
job, but most of the time it seems like it.

You guys must be from the GB Club of Hateful Email to Authors of Quality
Software?  (Sri - inside joke)

Actually, most of us on the reflector, I'm sure, hope you will stick around
long enough to learn just how good WriteLog is...  73