[WriteLog] toss out the sour apple

William Hein, AA6TT Bill@aa6tt.com
Sat, 22 Jun 2002 07:40:16 -0700 (PDT)

Please give this W6 his money back and let us get back to
civilized discourse.  Let him write his own logging program if
he's unhappy with the features and support provided by WriteLog. 
His attitude has no place in an amateur radio public forum.

I used to employ parallel port keying with TR-Log (under DOS),
upgraded to serial port keying and the W5XD Multi-Keyer when I
switched to WriteLog and upgraded my OS to Win 2000 Pro (now
running XP Pro).  I understood that WriteLog was not supporting
LPT keying under Microsoft 32-bit OS.  We hams--especially
contesters--should be capable of adding serials ports to our
computers and soldering a simple serial cable/CW keying line, our
licenses are supposed to indicate that we posses a certain
technical knowledge.

The Windows 2000 XP Pro/serial port/W5XD MultiKeyer/WriteLog
combination works fantastically well.  I have WriteLog
controlling two transceivers SO2R-style in CW, SSB and RTTY (FSK
& AFSK) over 8 serial ports.

I am VERY happy that someone has made the effort to provide the
Ham Radio contesting community with modern world class logging
software.  Kudos to the WriteLog team.

Bill AA6TT

William H. Hein, AA6TT
10 Clark Road
Topsham VT 05076-3086 USA
tel 802/584-4317
email Bill@AA6TT.com
MSN IM william_hein@hotmail.com