[WriteLog] New Help Getting F keys to work!
Roger Stimson
Tue, 25 Jun 2002 10:37:38 -0400
I have gotten my sound board working with MMTTY as a stand alone =
RTTY program! Made 10 QSOs with nice reports using=20
just 50 watts output.
I have gotten WriteLog and RiteRTTY to receive RTTY!
I can transmit RTTY in WriteLog/RiteRTTY by going to Alt-K, =
pressing "transmit" and typing a message
in the small Type Ahead screen.
I can go back to receive by pressing "receive".
BUT, I cannot get the Fn keys or Shifted-Fn keys to do anything. =
No matter what I have set up in the
SETUP CW/RTTY/SSB Messages Screen.
What am I doing wrong? Or left out? Cannot do much of anything =
without a TRANSMIT capability..
My computer is an 1.6Gig Pentium4 with 256K RAM and a Creative =
Live! Sound Card.
My Transceiver is a Kenwood TS-950SDX.
My interface is a RigBlasterPlus using either VOX or Serial Port =
COM6 to key.=20
Thanks for the help,
Roger K8RS=20
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