[WriteLog] FD 1D and points

John E Bastin, K8AJS jbastin@sssnet.com
Wed, 26 Jun 2002 15:08:27 -0400

At 16:14 +0000 06/26/2002, RCARIELLO wrote:
>But, if I am reading your comments correctly.  I believe your saying your
>program gave NO POINTS to dx stations outside of region 2. MY program gave
>points to dx stations outside of region 2.

Sorry, I misled you because my memory betrayed me.

I gave you my interpretation of the rules, but after going back and 
looking again, I find that WriteLog DID give me points for the DX 
stations (all the ones I worked were in Region 2, but I tried a 
couple of fictitious entries just now and I find that it's giving 
points for other region DX stations, as well).

So, in answer to your question, no, I believe WriteLog is doing this 
incorrectly. I'm running version 10.32 with the latest FieldDay.dll.

Sorry for the confusion.

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