[WriteLog] Posting Responses to the Reflector

W3YY@aol.com W3YY@aol.com
Sun, 30 Jun 2002 13:35:03 EDT

In a message dated 6/30/02 9:24:06 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
jbastin@sssnet.com writes:

> Apparently nobody who responded thought that anyone else would be 
> interested in the answer to your question.
> Could you please summarize the responses to the list?

I've noticed, in my short time on WriteLog reflector, that this seems to be a 
common problem.  There are often good questions raised and, unfortunately, 
most of the answers go only to the individual who raised the question.  While 
there are certainly some circumstances where a private response is 
appropriate, I'd encourage responses to the reflector so that all can receive 
the benefit of the response.

73, Bob - W3YY   

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