[WriteLog] .wav file location?

PETER BARRON ve3pn@igs.net
Mon, 4 Mar 2002 06:35:00 -0000

Hi Tony

There are two main items to note for the files

1 They must all use same MONO encoding (e.g. PCM 11.025 kHz, 16 Bit, Mono)
2 In the SETUP pull down menu there is a section called WAVE FILE LOCATE
(3rd button down on right) , this has a further pull down menu to point to
the base directory where you store the wave files. This can be anywhere you
like . (once again they must all use same encoding it must be MONO.) at
least on mine.

To allow different operators to have their own files in their own voice and
with their own speech cadence Writelog allows you to set operator names to
do this select
ENTRY then CHANGE OPERATOR this gives you a PULL down window for operators.
This creates a sub directory under the one in item 2 above.
This is also useful as many contest exchanges are different, so its kind of
nice to have them separated by a directory structure.

For more see "Wave File Locate" in help menu

Cheers and have fun


From:  writelog-admin@contesting.com[SMTP:writelog-admin@contesting.com] on
behalf of Tony
Sent:  Saturday, March 02, 2002 11:36 PM
To:  writelog@contesting.com
Subject:  [WriteLog] .wav file location?

Hi all,
   I used the Win98 sound recorder to create a .wav file, saving it in:
d:\writelog\cqdx.wav. Then I opened Setup->CW/RTTY/SSB Memory Setup,
selected the SSB buttom, and tried to use Browse... to find my cqdx.wav
file. But the dialog
would only allow *.wl and *.cnt files to be opened.
   So I manually entered the full file spec name in the box:
<d:\writelog\cqdx.wav>. When I attempted to use F2 (in this case), Writelog
first put the rig in transmit mode and then threw up a error: "Unable to
   Two problems: 1) The wave files are expected to be used by several ops
during a contest and should NOT be restricted to the current operators
place. 2) Writelog should not dictate where to put the files, or it's dialog
should lead you to the "proper" place - it did neither.

   How do you folks set up to use .wav files? Where do you keep them? Does
it work for you?  I've been thru the K9JY web site and the Writelog web site
a few times, What did I miss?

Thanks for any tips.

73, Tony