[WriteLog] mmtty plugin

John Sanders jsanders@brooksdata.net
Thu, 7 Mar 2002 12:19:19 -0600

Hello all,

Is there a searchable archive of this list available?

I have just installed the mmtty plugin following the excellent instructions from AA5AU.  Everything installed correctly, but everytime I open the RttyRite window, I get a RttyRite9 error, the window closes, but leaves mmtty running.  I have re-opened the window immediately (says to ignore it and re-open in the instructions).  I have re-booted the machine several times and still the same results.  Anyone have problems like this?  I don't find any reference in the troubleshooting section of the installation howto. 

128 Ram
450mhz PII
writelog ver. 10.28C
mmtty 1.60C
Rigblaster on com 4
Icom 756pro with CIV interface on com 1

Mmtty works great stand alone.

I appreciate the help.

73, de AD5BY (John Sanders)