[WriteLog] BARTG - time exchange query
Phil Cooper
Phil Cooper" <pcooper@guernsey.net
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 17:57:05 -0000
Hi all,
Being new to WL, I have been following the guidelines on Dons' website about
setting up exchanges, and I see there is one that just sends the time,
several times, in case that is needed.
OK so far, BUT, I have played around with these, and I seem to have found an
In tests, I found that if I send the normal exchange, (as one would), but
then get asked for the time to be repeated, it won't always send the time
that was part of the original exchange.
It does NOT seem to depend on the PC clock setting either, so I think I can
discount that.
An example: (let's suppose the PC clock says 17:52:56, and that I have a
buffer that sends ONLY the time)
AA5AU UR 599 001 001 1752 1752 QSL? DE GU0SUP
AA5AU TIME 1753 1753 1753 DE GU0SUP
Now, I have tried this several times, and each time I seem to get different
responses from my PC. On occasions it has sent the original time, but on
occasions it sends the time, but PLUS one minute.
With WF1B, it always sent whatever was in the original exchange.
I haven't gone much further, as nothing I have done seems to have any sort
of pattern to it, but I can imagine a situation where the whole exchange
could take several minutes (QRM/QRN/QSB etc) so I am puzzled here.
Does anyone have a definitive answer to this, or is "one of those things"??
73 for now,