[WriteLog] KAM 98
William D.Storer
William D.Storer" <wstorer@cinci.rr.com
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 15:21:38 -0500
I was using a Kantronics KAM for HF RTTY contesting with Writelog and =
the combination has worked flawlessly. Just recently purchased a new =
TNC, the Kantronics KAM 98. Only problem is I can't get Writelog to =
initialize the new KAM 98. The TNC works fine with PacTerm 1.5, the =
Kantronics program, but no luck with Writelog. I've used the RTTY setup =
window and selected KAM as the type of TNC and the correct com which is =
2. Is there something I'm missing in the program or .ini?
Bill Storer KF8HR
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