[WriteLog] Help on CommSlots
Robert Carroll
Sat, 16 Mar 2002 19:32:21 -0500
I have just reinstalled Writelog (latest version) after a long absence.
I have comports 4,5, 6, and 7 all available using Belkin USB to serial
converters. From my past experience I remember the ComSlot/Commport
issues in writelog.ini and figured I would have no trouble setting this
up. Actually the rig on port 4 works fine. But I can't seem to get
Writelog to recognize comport 5. I looked into the writelog.ini file.
It is small as I am just getting started, and I see the lines defining
characteristics of the comports. But there are no lines with the
ComSlot1 =1 type info. I tried adding a statement defining ComSlot1 as
=1 but I still get the comport not available message. Can someone tell
me where the comslot statements should be, and perhaps why I don't see
them in the .ini generated by Writelog?
By the way I am happily using all the ports with other programs to
control both rigs, so I know they are working.
Bob W2WG
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